Tuesday February 11th 2025


The Club have a very active match fishing scene and take part in a variety of competitions throughout the season.

There is a comprehensive range of club matches and are usually held on a Saturday or Sunday, although during the summer months matches are also held on Tuesday evenings.

The majority of Club match’s are held on Long Lake, however there are a few away venues scattered in amongst the fixture list!

Upon joining the Society each member will be provided with dates and venues of the Society’s competitions.(in the back of the membership book)

All competitions are open to every member with the exception of team matches which may be restricted to a limited number in each team (in such an event the team will be selected by the Competition/Match Organizer).

A water which is notified in the
 Match Fixtures
as being used for a competition is barred to non-competitors
two hours before the competition.

Any member none match angler can approach either
Kerry or Bruce
on the actual day of any given match to establish if there are sufficient empty swims to accommodate pleasure anglers without impacting on competitors.
The decision will rest entirely with the match organisers and all members must appreciate that on the dedicated match dates as outlined in Match Fixtures, there will occasions where the entire lake is required for the purposes of conducting the match for the entire time period required but wherever it is possible to do so, a section of the lake will remain open for pleasure anglers.
If pegs are available pleasure fishing can commence one hour
after the start of the match.

For any enquires regarding the matches please contact the
Kerry on 07954 177 416     Bruce on 07712 652 409

Please note these numbers are for match info only