GDPR Statement
General Data Protection Regulation.
Our Statement & Policy with regards to GDPR.
As a Society that holds personal data, we are obliged by law to hold this data securely.
Personal data must be;
• Fairly and Lawfully processed
• Processed for limited purposes
• Be adequate and relevant and limited to what is necessary
• Kept in a way that people cannot be identified from it longer than is required
• Ensure appropriate security
Membership Forms. These are a printed document completed by the applicant and
held by the Membership Secretary and hold the information below;
• Member’s Name and Address, DOB, Telephone Number, Email address,
Membership Type & Number.
• Payment method.
Membership forms are kept to assist with preparing the Society’s accounts and act as
hard copy to confirm membership details. These forms are held in secure storage for
two full years before being destroyed by incineration.
Membership Digital Files. These are held on a computer, which is not connected to
the internet in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet holds only the following information:
• Member’s Name and Address, Telephone Number, Email address,
Membership Number.
Why this information is held by the Chichester & District Angling Society
Member’s Name To address the member correctly
Member’s Address To post information including newsletters and renewals
Member’s DOB To ensure the correct category of membership is offered
Member’s Tel. Number To enable the CDAS to contact the member quickly
Membership Number For administration and identification
We will never disclose the information we hold to any other person or Organisation.
The information is held strictly for the use of the Society and its management to
maintain its membership accurately. The distribution of this data within the Society is
strictly on a need to know basis.
If any member or prospective member has any objection to any part of this statement,
we would request that they contact the Society through the Secretary whose contact
details can be found on our website.